The class A scavenger receptor ( SR-A) is a glycoprotein expressed on the cell surface of macrophages that mediates internalization of chemically modified lipoprotein. A类清道夫受体(Scavengerreceptor,SR-A)是一种主要位于巨噬细胞膜表面的同源三聚体糖蛋白,能够介导多种配体进行内移。
The Studies on Hepatitis C Virus Receptor: The Role of the Human Scavenger Receptor Class B Type ⅰ ( SR-BI) Mediating HCV Cell Entry 丙型肝炎病毒的受体研究&B族Ⅰ型清道夫受体介导HCV入胞作用的研究
The cytotoxic activity of LL-37 is inhibited by apolipoprotein A-ⅰ( apoA-ⅰ) in the plasma, thereby it can function as a scavenger of LL-37 and prevent host cell damage. 血浆中的apoAⅠ可结合LL37并抑制其细胞毒性作用,从而使机体免受LL37的损伤。
In this review, the structure, function, expression and regulation of scavenger receptor A/ B and their role in atherosclerosis are discussed; furthermore, other scavenger receptors which involved in the monocyte/ macrophage derived foam cell are also discussed. 本文重点综述了目前研究较多的A类和B类清道夫受体的结构、功能、表达与调控及其在动脉粥样硬化中的作用,并对其他与单核-巨噬细胞源泡沫细胞形成有关的清道夫受体作一简要介绍。
AIM: To investigate the effect of edaravone ( ED), a novel free radical scavenger, on cardiac function and myocardial cell injury in rats with septic shock. 目的:观察氧自由基清除剂依达拉奉(edaravone,ED)对脓毒性休克大鼠心脏功能和心肌损伤的作用。
Exogenous GA3 and 6-BA could further enhance the SOD, POD and AsA content of active oxygen scavenger, reduced MDA content, maintained cell membrane stability. 喷施外源6-BA和GA3能进一步提高SOD、POD酶的活性及AsA活性氧清除剂的含量,从而降低MDA的含量,维持细胞膜的稳定性。